Chronic UTIs

Chronic Urinary Tract Infection

Chronic UTI

A chronic UTI is a condition in which the infection does not react to any treatment. Despite treatment, you may continue to have the infection or it may recur after the treatment has been administered.

When the infection is limited to the urinary tract it is easy to treat, but it gets complicated if it spreads to the kidneys. Though UTIs may affect anyone at any age, it occurs more in women.

Causes and Types

UTIs are basically bacterial infections that are caused when bacteria enter the urinary tract via the urethra and multiply within the bladder.

There are two types of infections. They are as follows:

  1. Bladder infections

Cystitis is an infection in the bladder caused by a bacterial species called E.Coli. These bacteria are present in animal and human intestines, which is normal. It causes an infection only when it exits the intestines. Proper cleaning and wiping after using the washroom and after anal intercourse is very important to prevent the E.Coli from remaining and multiplying.

  1. Urethral infections

This is also known as urethritis and it could also be caused by E.Coli. However, urethritis could also be transmitted sexually like gonorrhoea, chlamydia or herpes.

Why are women more prevalent?

Chronic UTIs occur easily in women because the urethra is much shorter in women than it is in men, which makse it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder.  Also, the urethra lies close to the rectum where E.coli may easily pass to the urethra while washing or wiping or if either are not done properly.Chronic Urinary Tract Infection


Symptoms that your bladder is being affected by a UTI are as follows:

  1. Frequent urination
  2. Dark or bloody urine
  3. Pain in the kidneys area
  4. Burning sensation when urinating

In case the infection spreads to the kidney, you may experience the following:

  1. Mental disorientation
  2. Fatigue
  3. Fever
  4. Chills
  5. Nausea & vomiting


To reach a diagnosis, a urine sample is performed and checked to see  if bacteria are present.

If idney damage is suspected, kidney scans and X-rays are done to confirm the same.

For recurring UTIs, a cystoscopy is performed. A thin, long tube attached to a small lens at one end is used to observe the bladder and urethra.


UTIs can be treated in a week’s time with antibiotics. However, for chronic UTIs, antibiotics with low doses are prescribed for a long term treatment. This may reduce the recurrence of symptoms. Additionally, regular urine tests are done in order to check if there are any infections.

Women who have UTIs due to menopause  must discuss this with the doctor for an appropriate treatment plan.

Pain medications are prescribed for people who experience burning sensations while urinating to numb the urethra. For a temporary home remedy, a hot water bag placed against the bladder can be used to ease pain.

Prevention of Recurring Infections

The following tips will be useful to prevent the recurrence of UTIs for those who are susceptible to them.

  1. Never hold back your urine and urinate as frequently as needed.
  2. Drink lots of water
  3. Wipe from front to the back after you urinateChronic Urinary Tract Infection
  4. Try not to wear tight-fitting trousers
  5. Wear cotton underwear
  6. Don’t go for bubble baths
  7. Do not use spermicides or diaphragms as measures of birth control

Complications Involved in Chronic UTIs

The following complications may be involved in people with recurring UTIs:

  1. Septicemia – when the bacteria start entering the bloodstream
  2. Sepsis – harmful bacteria and their toxins
  3. Kidney related issues- kidney damage, kidney infections, etc.
  4. Risk of having a premature delivery and having an underweight baby born

Outlook for Chronic UTI

UTIs are easily treatable at the early stages. Seek immediate medical attention in case you notice the symptoms returning. Try not to complicate the issue by allowing it to pass on to the next stage.

Pure Encapsulations Cranberry NS Review

This is going to be a review of Pure Encapsulations Cranberry NS capsules. The manufacturer states that this product is meant to promote healthy urinary tract function. The main ingredient in this product is cranberry extract, which is often taken in juice form to alleviate and soothe the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. If you are wondering if this product is right for you and your urinary tract needs, please keep reading this review.




Here are the ingredients used to make this product:

  • 500 mg Cranberry extract- provides help to maintain a healthy bladder wall and also promotes healthy urinary function.
  • Cranberry fiber
  • Cranberry seed oil
  • Guar gum
  • Sunflower lecithin
  • Cellulose
  • Water


The recommended dosage for this product is 1 to 3 capsules per day, in separate doses. It is best taken between meals.

Possible Side Effects

You should always consult your doctor if you are unsure about taking any type of dietary supplement. For women who are pregnant or nursing, those with an existing medical condition, or for people who are already taking a prescribed medication, it is highly recommended that you consult a professional healthcare provider to address any questions or concerns you may have.


The price for a 90 capsule bottle is $27.00. If you wish to purchase the 180 capsule bottle, it will cost you $48.60 which ultimately is a discounted price. The more bottles you buy, the more money you will save.


If you wish to return this product, you can do so within 30 days. Your request will need to be authorized by the manufacturer and the return must be received within 14 days of this authorization. Once the shipment has been received, the money will be refunded, but you are also subjected to a 15 percent return fee and cost of shipping. While it is important for the company to offer a return policy, it seems to us that considering these strict guidelines, the priority is not the customer.

We could not find any customer reviews for this product. It may be due to the fact that the company primarily focuses on selling their product to doctors and their patients. Still, there is no customer guarantee for this product and no evidence regarding whether or not it works to promote healthy urinary tract function.


Pure Encapsulations Cranberry NS capsules seem to be a product that can provide promising results. The manufacturer is very transparent about its ingredients, the supplement is vegetarian, and there is a discounted price if you purchase the larger bottle package. However, we must mention the strict guarantee policy, where it seems you have to go through a process and run the risk of not getting a full refund due to the restocking fee, all for an item you were not satisfied with. The other point which needs to be noted is the lack of customer reviews for the product. If you are a new customer, you will have no idea whether this is the right product for you. Instead, you will have to blindly purchase it and determine for yourself if it will work. We think that there are better products out there with customer-friendly guarantees and reviews.

Click here to learn about our top UTI treatment products.

Nutrition Depot Doctor’s Selection Urinary Tract Support Review

This will be a review of Nutrition Depot Doctor’s Selection Urinary Tract Support. According to the company, this product is meant to aid in the promotion of a healthy bladder by flushing away bacteria. Please keep reading this review to see if this product is something that is ideal for you and your needs.





The main ingredient found in this supplement is D-Mannose. This is a simple sugar which naturally occurs in certain plants such as cranberries. This is easily metabolized by the body while D-Mannose adheres to the bacterial lectins and prevents the lectins from sticking to the bladder lining which can cause a UTI infection.

There is no other information about any other ingredients or what the capsule is made out of.


The recommended dosage for this product is 3 capsules 1 to 3 times daily with either a glass of water or a glass of unsweetened juice.

Possible Side Effects

We could not find any information listed on the website about any side effects. However, this does not mean that you should not exercise caution when it comes to taking this supplement. As with any dietary supplement, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor, especially if you have an existing medical condition, are pregnant or nursing, or currently taking prescription medication. Do not continue taking Nutrition Depot Doctor’s Selection Urinary Tract Support if your symptoms worsen.


The retail price for this product is $49.99. It is currently being offered on its website at %40 discount, making the price $30.00 for 100 capsules. This is a fairly reasonable price. We could not find any information about a discount for automatic reorders or bulk purchasing.


There is no customer guarantee for this product and the return policy is very strict. If you wish to return the item, you must contact the manufacturer within 24 hours of receiving the product. Moreover, the company does not accept any returns for a product that has been opened, no shipping charges will be refunded, and there is a %25 restocking fee on all returned items.

We could not find any reviews for this product on the website or online. There is little information about the product besides the brief description of what it does. This means that there is no support from existing customers to back the product’s claims.


Nutrition Depot Doctor’s Selection Urinary Tract Support is not a product that we can comfortably recommend. While the price is very reasonable, there are other factors that make this product less than desirable. There is not enough information about the other ingredients in the supplement, if there are any. There is no customer satisfaction guarantee and no reviews could be found, which clearly does not provide any support of the product’s claims. The strict return policy does not allow someone to test the product to see if its suitable for his or her needs. Since you run the risk of losing money with the lack of the guarantee, we do not think this is an ideal product for you.

Click here to learn about our top UTI treatment products.

UTI Clear Review

This is an informative review that analyses UTI Clear thoroughly. We have researched this product extensively and we have concluded that this remedy is one of the most effective and most potent product when compared to similar supplements. UTI Clear has been developed by medical care professionals with the purpose of effectively eliminating urinary tract infections. It will fight the infection until it is fully treated, while also calming any burning or itching sensations and reducing the pain caused by UTIs. Continue reading to improve your knowledge regarding this product and how it can aid you in fully eliminating infections, as well as their symptoms.


The ingredients used in developing UTI Clear are natural, therefore they will treat the problem without causing unpleasant side effects. These compounds will help reduce urination frequency and discomfort, alleviate pain, calm any itching sensations and eliminate whatever causes the infection.

Here are the main ingredients:

  • Cranberry
  • Ligonberry
  • D-Mannose
  • Berberine
  • Uva Ursi


Consumers are advised to take 6 capsules daily until the infection is gone and the symptoms have disappeared. Consumers should take 2 pills in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening, after meals. UTI Clear is safe to use long term in order to help the body fight off any future potential infections. In order to use the product for this purpose, the user is advised to administer 2 capsules on a daily basis.

Possible Side Effects

The label does not list any potential side effects and the manufacturer claims that the chances of experiencing adverse reactions are very low. The formula is constructed using only natural ingredients and unlike drugs with chemical additives, it should not cause any negative side effects that would endanger the consumer’s health.


The price per bottle varies on the package that the customer chose to order. There are multiple special offers that lower the cost depending on the number of bottles that are being purchased. A single bottle will cost $49.95. When ordering two bottles, the price for one drops down to $34.95 and the price continues to drop with the amount of bottles you purchase. The best value pack is considered to be the special offer for 6 bottles, as the customer will only pay the full price for 3 of them and receive the other 3 for free.


The manufacturer includes a strong guarantee and customers can benefit from a risk free 60 day return policy that gives them the opportunity to receive a full refund in exchange for any opened or unopened bottles.

Reviews offered by the existing consumers can be found on the product’s website and they seem to be entirely positive, thus reinforcing the claim that this medication is certainly one of the best.


UTI Clear is a natural supplement that is safe to use for extended periods of time without experiencing negative side effects in the process. The manufacturer backs this claim with a solid return policy that allows the user to return the product if satisfaction is not met, even if it has been opened and used. Due to the positive feedback that is being offered by existing clients who are highly satisfied with the product, we feel extremely confident recommending it as well.

Click here to learn about our top UTI treatment products.

Bladder Infection: Causes and Treatment

Bladder Infection: Causes and Treatment

Cystitis or bladder infection is an infection that affects part of the urinary tract. When it affects the lower urinary tract it is known as a simple bladder infection and when it affects the upper urinary tract it is known as pyelonephritis, a kidney infection. Symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection include painful urination and either frequent urination, the constant urge to urinate or both. The symptoms of pyelonephritis include fever and flank pain, in addition to the symptoms of a lower UTI.

Bladder infection- Causes and TreatmentThe main cause of both types of infections is Escherichia coli, though other bacteria, viruses or fungi may rarely be the cause. Urinary tract infections occur more commonly in women than men, with half of those women will have at least one infection at some point in their lives. Risk factors include female anatomy, sexual intercourse and family history. Pyelonephritis, if it occurs, usually follows a bladder infection but may also result from a blood-borne infection. Diagnosis in young healthy women can be based on symptoms alone. In those with vague symptoms, diagnosis can be difficult because bacteria may be present without there being an infection. In complicated cases or if treatment has failed, a urine culture may be useful. In those with frequent infections, a low dose of antibiotics may be prescribed as a preventative measure.


The most common symptoms are burning when urinating and the need to urinate frequently and pain above the pubic bone or in the lower back may be present. People experiencing an upper urinary tract infection, or pyelonephritis, may experience flank pain, fever, nausea and vomiting in addition to the classic symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection. In some cases, the urine may appear bloody or contain visible pus. These symptoms may vary from mild to severe and in healthy women last an average of six days.

TreatmentBladder infection- Causes and Treatment

The main way to treat a UTI is to use antibiotics. For those with recurrent infections, taking a short course of antibiotics when each infection occurs may be the course of treatment that your doctor prescribes.  A prolonged course of daily antibiotics is also effective.

In cases where the infection is related to intercourse, taking antibiotics afterwards may be useful. In post-menopausal women, topical vaginal estrogen has been found to help.


A number of reasons that are believed to cause UTIs, but have not been confirmed include: urinating immediately after intercourse, the type of underwear worn, personal hygiene methods after urinating or defecating, or whether a person typically bathes or showers. There is similarly a lack of evidence of the effect of holding one’s urine, tampon use, and douching may cause. If you suffer from frequent urinary tract infections and use spermicide or a diaphragm as a method of contraception, it is advised to use alternative methods.

Overactive Bladder: Foods to Avoid

Ten Foods that Cause an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is caused by an infection that creates the need to urinate frequently. The urge may be difficult to stop, and an overactive bladder may lead to the involuntary loss of urine.  There are several foods that can harm the urinary system and we have discussed ten of them here.

  1. Eleven Foods that cause Overactive BladderTomatoes: tomatoes have a high acidic content and can create an irritation in the bladder and this can further lead to an overactive bladder. One should avoid foods that are high in tomato content like ketchup, salsa and pizza sauce.
  2. Coffee or Tea: these two beverages can lead to an increase in the bladder’s activity and result in a person feeling the need to urinate more and more often. This can be reduced significantly if one can reduce the intake of these two drinks.
  3. Chocolate: similar to the case of an overactive bladder due to tea and coffee, a piece of chocolate can result in increasing the activity of the bladder. One can have white chocolate instead, as that does not contain caffeine.
  4. Citrus fruits: fruits like lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges contain high amounts of citric acid. Citric acid can create problems like an overactive bladder, whereas fruits like apples and bananas are less acidic and therefore can be consumed instead of citric ones.
  5. Alcohol: consuming alcohol causes the brain to receive a signal that the bladder is full, even if it is not.Eleven Foods that cause Overactive Bladder
  6. Carbonated drinks: in drinks like soda water, energy drinks and soft drinks the fizz that is created can increase the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Drinks like champagne which contain both fizz and the alcohol can cause a lot of problems.
  7. Spicy Foods: completely avoid foods like sauces, peppers and salsa which are spicy in nature.
  8. Sweeteners: research studies show that sweeteners which are either natural or artificial can result in problems like an overactive bladder.
  9. Processed foods: these types of foods have ingredients that are artificial like preservatives and flavors, which can potentially cause irritation and aggravate the bladder.
  10. Onions: opt for cooked onions as opposed to raw ones since they do not cause any problems.

In order to prevent an overactive bladder, it is necessary to drink the proper amount of water. If one drinks more than required, it can result in frequent urination, but if the intake is less, then the urine can get acidic and force one to go to the bathroom several times.

Apart from this, you should also maintain a food diary where you can write down and keep track of the foods that you eat. This preventative plan can go a long way in determining which types of foods are causing you to suffer from an overactive bladder. Once you have determined which foods there are, they should be avoided. On the other hand, the ones that don’t can be safely consumed.

Tips to Keep the Excretory System Healthy

Tips to keep the Excretory System Healthy

Your excretory system is responsible for removing waste from your body. There is more than one organ involved in the excretory system and they are your kidneys, sweat glands, lungs and liver. Your kidneys are the primary organs. Getting the waste out of your body is very important because it is poisonous and if the waste builds up and is not taken care of, serious problems can occur. In general, excretion is the process of removing unwanted products from your body and eliminating them. Keeping your excretory system healthy is vital.

Below are given a few tips to maintain a healthy excretory system.

WaterTips to keep the Excretory System Healthy

To keep your excretory system healthy, you should drink a lot of water to stay well hydrated or else it can lead to constipation. Water is the most important thing to help your excretory system remain healthy. However, one should keep in mind that too much water though can actually hurt your excretory system. In order to keep your excretory system healthy, it is recommended that you drink around eight glasses of water every day.

Keep Away from Toxins

The excretory system is a way for humans to get rid of chemical wastes, which plays a role in maintaining homeostasis. Many of the chemicals we rid from our bodies can be toxic if they are not removed. Some of the wastes we produce in our cells are carbon dioxide, urea, and salts. You should keep an eye on what you consume as there are some foods that the body is unable to process. Alcohol, smoking and doing drugs can increase the level of toxins in your body and it becomes difficult to get rid of them. When it comes to the creams that we apply externally, they are absorbed by the body and enter the bloodstream so the liver has to process these chemicals. In order to decrease the level of pesticide that we consume, it is recommended that we choose organic and natural foods.

ExercisingTips to keep the Excretory System Healthy

One tends to forget the role of the skin when it comes to the excretory system. Sweat is a way through which the skin gets rid of the toxins inside the boy and sweating makes a person thirsty, making the role of water vital in flushing out toxins. Exercising results in a good supply of oxygenated blood inside the body and one should exercise for thirty to sixty minutes at least three to four times a week. Another good idea would be to try to go to a sauna for an hour a couple of times a week. This works well for people who are disabled and cannot work out as the sauna will help open up your sweat glands.

A Healthy Diet

Eat a proper, nutritious diet. Stay away from foods that contain pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. Also try to steer clear of fatty, oily foods. Your kidneys have to filter out all of these things, so try to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and soy.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) in Children

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) in Children

Urinary infections in children usually go away quickly if you treat them right away. If your child keeps getting infections, your doctor may suggest some medical tests to rule out more serious problems. Urinary infections can lead to a serious infection throughout the body called sepsis. Problems from a urinary infection are more likely to happen in babies born prematurely, newborns, and infants who have something blocking the flow of their urine.

Germs that live in the large intestine and in stool can get in the urethra. This is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. Then germs can get into the bladder and kidneys. Keep in mind that babies and young children may not have the most common symptoms, such as pain or burning when they urinate.


A child with a UTI may not have any symptoms. When symptoms are present, they can range from mild to severe. UTI symptoms can include:

  • feverWhat is a Urinary Tract Infection- Causes and Treatment
  • pain or burning during urination
  • few drops of urine at a time
  • irritability
  • lack of apetite
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • cloudy, dark, bloody, or foul-smelling urine
  • urinating often
  • pain in the back or side below the ribs
  • urine leakage or bedding in older children


If it seems that a baby or child may have a urine infection, the urine will need to be examined under a microscope and a culture will be done. A culture is performed bacteria is grown in special gel. This is how it will be possible to tell what the germ is and which antibiotics will get rid of it. This may take a day or so, and the doctor may not be able to start treatment until the results of this test have been determined.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) in ChildrenAnother way is to dip test strips in the urine and these will show if a urine infection is present. However, these are usually not enough to be sure, unless the child has had infections before. The test strip results may be normal even if a child has an infection. Collecting clean urine for this test from young children can be difficult and a special bag may be used. Sometimes the urine is collected in other ways, such as using a catheter. If a urine infection is found, more tests will usually be performed to see if the bladder, ureters, urethra and kidneys are infected as well. Usually, the first test done will be an ultrasound.


Most children with urinary tract infections will need antibiotics. These may be given orally if the child is not too unwell, but sometimes they need to be given by injection.

If the child many and recurring infections and the urinary tract is malformed, an operation may be recommended. Before this is done, the baby or child is likely to be given a low dose of antibiotics, usually once a day, to prevent further infections after the surgery.

Having a urinary tract infection is painful. The urine becomes acidic and causes a burning pain when the child passes urine, and there can be pain in the lower abdomen and a need to pass urine often. It may be useful to give the child medication which neutralises the acid and several types are available at pharmacies. The doctor will be able to help you figure out the ones that are suitable for a child.